Reports of breaches in cybersecurity flood the news. Every time you turn around, a hacker in the dark corner of the web accesses information that does not belong to him.
In a world where so much of our time involves personal and workplace business online, the threat of becoming a target of cybercrime has grown greatly. Though an initial reaction might be to erase your digital footprint completely and never use the internet again, through careful practice and an acute awareness of the causes of cyber threats, you can more safely carry on your daily internet use.
Janeth Hager, IT Manager for PTCI, shares, “Cybercriminals are not only attacking businesses but individuals as well. Knowledge is key in order to protect ourselves. Be leery of emails coming from banks or credit card companies asking for important information. Be sure to back up important files and documents on a regular basis. PTCI implemented Cyber Security Awareness Training for our employees. We’ll soon be extending free workshops for our customers.”
You may have heard the adage, “The best defense is a good offense.” This is particularly true when implementing a sound cybersecurity protection plan. A proactive approach to securing your devices and the information on them is the best way to protect yourself from falling prey to an attack.
Cyber Self-Defense
Cybersecurity is defined as the protection of computer systems from theft or damage to the hardware, software, or the information on them, as well as from disruption or misdirection of the services they provide.