PTCI always strives to meet your technology needs and to provide you with the best service possible. That is why PTCI has introduced its new unlimited data plans. We believe that these plans will be extremely beneficial for our customers for a few reasons.
One of the best perks about unlimited data plans is that you don’t have to worry about overages. It’s easy to accidentally go over your data cap and, with traditional plans, that can be costly at times. Thankfully, with an unlimited data plan, that worry is a thing of the past.
In conjunction with ridding yourself of the fear of overages, unlimited plans are also a huge stress reliever. You really don’t have to keep track of your data usage compared to a normal data plan and so streaming videos or downloading music becomes a much more enjoyable and worry-free activity.
Additionally, PTCI’s prices are extremely competitive with the other unlimited data plans currently on the market. In fact, in most cases, they are better. This is because PTCI is focused on serving our members and customers instead of just gaining profits.
PTCI is currently offering two types of unlimited plans. The first is a single line plan that is $75. That’s $55 for the data and $20 for your unlimited talk and text, if you want it broken down. The other type of unlimited plan we offer would be shared unlimited data plans. We will break these down for you too. Data for a shared unlimited plan costs $90 and then it’s an additional $20 for every line that you add which covers unlimited talk and text on each line. So, for three lines it will come out to $150: $90 + $20 + $20 + $20.
PTCI wants to continue to support our community with the best products, technology, and services possible. We will always continue to strive for this and are very thankful for this wonderful community.